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Koffi’s Favorite Foods Fuel Hope

Reported by Convoy of Hope

“I found the last examination very easy to me,” 14-year-old Koffi said confidently.

Koffi has always tried her best in school. She is particularly fond of her history and biology classes. Each school day, she walks a kilometer to school in the dry Togo heat. And because she is a participant in Convoy of Hope’s local Children’s Feeding program, she returns home each school day with a full stomach.

The food that Koffi receives through the program helps her stay healthy, attentive in her classes, and energized for her commute.

“All times of the year, I notice a stability in my health,” she said. “I enjoy the Convoy of Hope meals very much as they support me.”

Koffi will be the first to tell you that she is consistently at the top of her class. Full of her favorite meal — rice and beans — she can focus on getting good grades instead of worrying about where her next meal will come from.

Because of Convoy of Hope’s supporters, Koffi can continue her studies and gain new opportunities that will give her the chance to break the cycle of poverty in her family.

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Convoy of Hope


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