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For Ramesh, Convoy’s Training Means He Can Feed His Family

Nepal Reported by Convoy of Hope
feed his family

Life has not been easy for Ramesh. He struggled to feed his family while working in agriculture. His three children were small for their ages — a testament to the hardship his family faced. The fields didn’t yield enough crops to sustain them, so he raised cows and buffalo, selling milk for years to feed his family. 

“During those days, I felt like I had no one around me and nothing with me,” Ramesh said. 

Everything changed for Ramesh and his family when he met team members from Convoy of Hope. Now Ramesh is one of more than 1,000 farmers in Nepal that Convoy trains in better agriculture practices.

Nepal is among the world’s poorest countries. About 36 percent of children in Nepal suffer from stunted growth — that’s nearly 3 million children. 

Convoy’s agriculture specialists teach production methods that encourage long-term sustainable farming. With improved practices and larger yields, participants are able to support their families and give back to their communities. 

“Everything I am doing is through the support and training from Convoy of Hope,” Ramesh said. 

Before, Ramesh was unable to fully sustain his family. His children were undernourished, and he felt alone in his struggle. Now, Ramesh knows he’s supported by Convoy of Hope, he can feed his family, and he has dreams for a prosperous future for his children. His community is more active in agriculture than ever before, and they have a greater understanding of agriculture practices that increase their yields. 

“I am grateful to Convoy of Hope for investing in our village,” he said with a smile.

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Convoy of Hope


When women are empowered, it changes not only their lives, but generations after them. 🤝

Jessica and Mishka are evidence of that — these resilient Roma women have used their empowerment to help others in Slovakia break cycles of poverty that normally impact Roma women.
