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One Opportunity Changes Everything for Gebeyanesh

Ethiopia Reported by Convoy of Hope

Those who know Gebeyanesh describe her as a hardworking woman who possesses both passion and strength. Her business selling goods and groceries is thriving, giving her a steady income that allows her to provide for her family. She dreams of expanding her business and owning a house, giving her children opportunities she didn’t have growing up.

But life has not always been this way for Gebeyanesh. Before she met Convoy of Hope, she worked in a factory in Ethiopia. The money she earned wasn’t enough to fulfill her basic needs and support her family. 

“There were many days that I was so hungry and I cried,” she said. “There were days I couldn’t even buy a piece of bread. These are days I will never forget.”

When Gebeyanesh joined Convoy of Hope’s Women’s Empowerment program, she received financial education, vocational training, and startup capital for her business. That was nearly a year ago. Now, her business is a stable source of income for her and her family. 

“My life has been transformed in ways that are difficult to put into words,” she said. “Thanks to my new job, I have a steady source of income that allows me to provide for my family. Not only that, but the job is also profitable, giving me the ability to purchase things for my children that I never thought possible. It’s amazing how one opportunity can change everything.”

One opportunity can change everything. When women participate in the Convoy of Hope Women’s Empowerment program, the cycle of poverty is broken. Convoy partners with women as they start their own businesses and support their families, creating opportunities that last for generations.

“The support I got from Convoy of Hope is more than money,” Gebeyanesh said. “It has transformed my whole life.”


Happy New Year from Convoy of Hope! We're starting the year with gratitude for all the incredible support and growth our team saw in 2024. We're also excited and ready to serve even more people in 2025 — because we're just getting started. 👏🚚 Join us and stay updated on all…