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Marie Gives Back & Empowers Her Peers

Philippines Reported by Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope’s Girls’ Empowerment groups help girls identify and strengthen their voice — both individually and collectively. In these after-school classes, girls learn about self-esteem, positive decision-making, nutrition, physical and emotional health, menstrual health, gender-based violence, and harmful beliefs and practices.

Marie is a peer mentor in Convoy of Hope’s Girls’ Empowerment groups in the Philippines, meaning she shares her story and motivates other girls toward grit, accountability, and group support. She was one of the first peer mentors in her program. 

At first, Marie wasn’t confident in her ability to mentor other girls, but then she met the girls in her group and realized her passion for her community.

“[I am especially compassionate about] young girls like me,” Marie told Convoy of Hope. “They need a sister, because sometimes — based on my experience — it’s hard to open up … it’s important that they can see you as a trustworthy mentor.”

As girls build friendships, learn about their body autonomy, manage their menstrual health, and empower their minds, they also gain financial literacy and learn to effectively engage with their communities. This education helps them plan for their futures.

“I actually had no plan for my future,” Marie said. “But in Girls’ Empowerment, I learned to create a plan.”

One of the first lessons in the Girls’ Empowerment classes asks the girls to create a plan for their lives. They draw a tree where the different parts represent different components of a life plan. This lesson empowers the girls to develop and pursue their dreams by setting goals, understanding their skills, and identifying barriers. 

Then the girls problem-solve together, sharing the challenges they face and healthy ways to mitigate them.

Marie is helping other girls dream big and make plans for their futures. Empowering women and girls to advocate for themselves creates opportunities for them to break the cycle of poverty — and that lasts for generations. Thank you for your support as Convoy helps vulnerable girls identify and strengthen their voice.


Happy New Year from Convoy of Hope! We're starting the year with gratitude for all the incredible support and growth our team saw in 2024. We're also excited and ready to serve even more people in 2025 — because we're just getting started. 👏🚚 Join us and stay updated on all…