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Hope Changed Everything for Aberash & Genzeb

Ethiopia Reported by Convoy of Hope

Photo above: Genzeb, a woman in Ethiopia, sells shoes to provide for her family.

Civil war, disaster, and poverty have torn apart families all over Ethiopia. Life is not easy for women like Aberash and Genzeb, whose husbands are both away fighting in the military.

Three years of civil war between the Ethiopian federal forces and the Tigrayan forces have left more than 4.6 million people displaced in the country. Drought conditions have compounded food insecurity, decimated crop production, and made a bad situation much worse.

Aberash felt hopeless. The money her husband sends her family isn’t enough to sustain them. Genzeb is in a similar situation — her husband sends money every month, but she still struggles to provide food, school supplies, and medication for her children.

Genzeb tried various ways to support her family, even traveling to the Middle East to search for a job. 

“I returned home empty-handed and without any hope,” Genzeb said.

Then Aberash and Genzeb joined Convoy of Hope’s Women’s Empowerment program. After completing training, they both chose to sell shoes. Using the skills they learned in Women’s Empowerment — business planning, customer service, saving money, tracking finances, and more — they own and operate successful businesses, and they can both provide for their children. 

Now Aberash and Genzeb can turn their attention from surviving day to day and focus on the future. Aberash wants to diversify and expand her business while supporting her community.

“I want to be an example for others and support other members of the community who are in extreme poverty,” she said.

Genzeb wants to own a larger shop of clothing and shoes while providing opportunities for other women.

“I want to create job opportunities for my fellow women,” Genzeb said. “First to work with me, and then later to have their own shops and businesses.”

Aberash and Genzeb are extending to their own communities the same generosity and support they received. Hope transforms so much more than a person’s financial situation. Hope changes everything.

“I am very thankful for Convoy of Hope’s support. My life has changed and become happy and hopeful,” Aberash said.


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