Response Updates

Mathare Valley School Flanked by Illegal Alcohol & Poverty Provides Children a Way Forward

Kenya Reported by Convoy of Hope

Mathare Valley is one of Africa’s largest slums. More densely populated than Manhattan, it is one of the poorest and most dangerous places in all of Kenya. These makeshift homes people live in barely stand upright. Trash and waste cover the streets. Residents have little to no access to clean water. Disease spreads rapidly. Food is scarce.

Hope can seem impossible to find.

But some are intent on bringing hope to the half a million children living here. Watch to see how two determined people are changing the lives and futures of children in one school.

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Convoy of Hope


Disasters bring barriers to many basic needs, including access to #food. Everyday things are unexpectedly gone โ€” food becomes a critical concern. This is why organizations like ours exist: to respond to disasters with tangible aid and compassion. ๐Ÿฅฃ๐Ÿ‘‰