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How Matilda Changed Her Story

Tanzania Reported by Convoy of Hope
Matilda hangs clothes in her home

Matilda and her son, Junior, live in the beautiful country of Tanzania. Each morning, Matilda opens up her shop, confidently expecting another successful day of business. But, not too long ago, life looked very different for her family.

Despite working long hours making and selling donuts, Matilda often wouldn’t earn enough income to provide for Junior or herself … forcing both of them to go to bed hungry. Junior watched his mom struggle, and with wisdom beyond his years, he would encourage her that the next day would be better.

After Junior joined a school benefiting from Convoy of Hope’s Children’s Feeding program, Matilda joined the Women’s Empowerment program. From then on, everything changed!

Now, she sells many different items in her shop. She makes enough money for today and has also learned how to budget to save for the future.

Because of friends like you, women like Matilda — and their children — are receiving opportunities through Convoy of Hope that enable them to live better lives.

Thank you for helping change her story.


When women are empowered, it changes not only their lives, but generations after them. 🤝

Jessica and Mishka are evidence of that — these resilient Roma women have used their empowerment to help others in Slovakia break cycles of poverty that normally impact Roma women.
