Response Updates

Flooding in Mississippi Prompts Convoy Response

USA Reported by Convoy of Hope

Photo above: In this image provided by Mississippi state Rep. Michael Evans, floodwaters surround a home in Louisville, Miss., Thursday, July 13, 2023. Flash flooding was also reported Thursday in Winston, Choctaw, Neshoba, and Noxubee counties. (Mississippi state Rep. Michael Evans via the AP)

July 17, 2023 | 11:41 a.m.

Convoy of Hope is responding to flooding in Mississippi. Thousands of pounds of cleaning supplies, water, hygiene kits, and more is en route to the affected area.

Last Thursday, torrential rain fell in Winston County and Louisville, Mississippi — flooding streets, businesses, and homes. The mayor has declared a state of emergency in the area. 

The devastating flooding rose to more than 12 inches before the skies cleared and the waters started to recede.

“This is not a typical flash flood and like nothing we’ve experienced in our area, maybe ever,” Mayor Will Hill said Thursday morning on Facebook.

Winston County Sheriff Jason Pugh said law enforcement officers rescued more than eight people from their vehicles and homes as the water rose. Fortunately, no deaths have been reported at this time.

Convoy of Hope is in contact with partners in the area to serve people affected by the floods.


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