Response Updates

Convoy of Hope Europe Continues to Aid Refugees

Europe Reported by Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope Europe continues to respond to the refugee crisis in the Middle East and Europe. However, they are concentrating most of their efforts on the camp that has been set up in Calais, France, known as The Jungle.

This week, teams from Holland, Belgium and France will assist with the first ever Christmas outreach there. The program will consist of music, a general food distribution and gift boxes for the kids.

All of the refugees that live in the compound around the area have had their flimsy tents replaced by stronger, but basic wooden structures built by volunteers from the local church.

About 30 miles away, in the city of Dunkirk, there is another camp that hosts 1,800 refugees. Convoy of Hope Europe will distribute Christmas gifts to the kids there and will take this camp on as a new project.

Because the refugees are using all types of improvised ways to cook their food and keep warm, Convoy of Hope Europe is asking for help to buy more rain ponchos and stoves, as they continue to take significant strides to reach as many Syrian refugees as possible.


Happy New Year from Convoy of Hope! We're starting the year with gratitude for all the incredible support and growth our team saw in 2024. We're also excited and ready to serve even more people in 2025 β€” because we're just getting started. πŸ‘πŸšš Join us and stay updated on all…