Response Updates

Mississippi Flood & Water Crisis Response

USA Reported by Convoy of Hope

September 8, 2022 | 1:35 p.m.

Residents in Jackson, Mississippi, have not had access to safe drinking water for more than a month. This is the most-recent emergency in the city, which has had problems with its water system for decades. Teams from Convoy of Hope are actively working to mitigate water-related needs.

Convoy is partnering with many churches in Jackson to distribute clean water. Yesterday, more than 600 vehicles lined up at a drive-thru distribution at one local church. Guests received water filters and cases of bottled water.

“You think, ‘This will never be us.’ But it’s us now,” said Pastor Wayne Hall. “You guys were on the ground the next day … 80% of our water bottles have come from Convoy.” Pastor Wayne, who has previously worked with Convoy, said his church was thankful to provide a way for people in the community to filter their daily use of water.

Teams passed out resources from the start of the event until the sun went down. Entire families from the area and from neighboring towns came to volunteer. They served alongside unsheltered individuals who also gave their time to meet needs in the community.

“People were so grateful to receive these supplies,” said one attendee. “People would yell out the window: ‘Thank you for what y’all are doing,’ and ‘God bless y’all.’”

Convoy of Hope remains committed to providing relief for the residents of Jackson. To stay up to date on all that Convoy’s teams are doing in the area, keep circling back to this page.

September 1, 2022 | 11:35 a.m.

The recent flooding in Jackson has crippled the city’s water system. Due to existing problems with the infrastructure, flooding from the Pearl River — which crested at 35 feet — cut off access to drinking water for more than 150,000 people.

Convoy of Hope responded immediately with tractor-trailer loads of bottled water and cleaning supplies. “We keep seeing water crises around the country with this larger issue unfolding after a flood,” said Convoy of Hope’s Stacy Lamb. “This is our tenth water crisis of this year in the U.S. out of the 24 disaster responses we’ve done in 2022.”

Mississippi Flood
Photo above: An SUV rests in flood waters in this northeast Jackson, Mississippi, neighborhood, Monday, August 29, 2022. Flooding affected a number of neighborhoods that are near the Pearl River. (AP Photo/Rogelio V. Solis)

Pastor Wayne Hall of Jackson First Assembly of God Church was one of Convoy’s first partners to distribute the goods to people in the city. As a leader in his community and as a father, the suffering around him is hard to process.

“There’s another dad somewhere … there’s another mom somewhere … who’s gonna have to figure out, ‘How are we gonna cook? How are we gonna have clean water to drink? How are my babies gonna get clothes that are cleaned and washed?’”

However, despite the difficulty people are facing, residents of Jackson are still choosing to serve those around them. 

“You always hear and see the worst side of news,” he said. “But everybody we talk to is so hopeful.”

Pastor Hall has partnered with Convoy of Hope in the past and knows the difference that meeting basic needs can make for those affected by disaster. “When you see that truck come up, it’s almost like a sigh of relief.”

August 30, 2022 | 4:45 p.m.

Convoy of Hope is responding to flooding in Jackson, Mississippi, after heavy rains hit last week. Although flooding was less severe than expected, several areas were heavily impacted — especially near the Pearl River. Convoy will deliver a load of water and cleanup supplies tomorrow, which will help Jackson locals with recovery.


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