Changing the world is a huge concept that seems unreasonable and unattainable. It’s hard to believe that we as normal individuals can make a significant impact. But that’s exactly what Convoy of Hope’s Rural Initiatives helps people to do. Rural Initiatives is showing small-town churches and communities how they can start changing the world by reaching out to the people closest to them.
When Convoy of Hope started working in Delhi, Louisiana, the need was clear. People affected by recent fires were struggling without insurance and needed help rebuilding. The elderly or disabled needed wheelchair ramps built on to their homes. Overwhelmed single mothers had yards that were overgrown. Helping these people may not seem like changing the world, but it changed their world.
“When I walked into my yard, ya’ll just don’t even know how I feel,” says Latasha Washington, a single mother in Delhi who got help cleaning debris from her yard. “I wanna thank everybody for coming out and helping.”
Over the past six years in Delhi, Convoy has conducted four small-scale Community Events, given away more than 1,500 pairs of shoes at three schools, and provided backpacks and school supplies at two back-to-school events. Convoy of Hope Field Teams has also worked in homes for the elderly, completed beautification projects for the city, and remodeled a building for young adult gatherings.
We love to serve great communities, but the best part for Convoy is helping communities become self-sufficient. In the last four years, we’ve worked with business leaders in Delhi to make sure they were the ones leading the charge. While Convoy continues to resource the city with supplies, their community-based projects, such as backpack giveaways, school supply drives, and mentoring, are mostly self-sustaining.
Changing the world may seem unattainable, but Convoy of Hope challenges everyone to start small. Helping a neighbor clean out their yard changes their world. Building a few ramps and repairing a few roofs changes a community. Keep that going, and you may just find you’ve changed the world — one small act of kindness at a time.