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Piyumi Plans To Win the Olympics

Sri Lanka Reported by Convoy of Hope

Every Olympian has a story. As the world watches athletes compete in Tokyo, future Olympians around the world are just beginning their journeys.

“My dream is to be an athlete,” Piyumi said optimistically.

Piyumi lives in Peliyagoda, Sri Lanka, where she participates in Convoy of Hope’s local Children’s Feeding program. She also hopes to be one of Sri Lanka’s next Olympic champions.

“I hope to go ahead with sports in the coming years and give Sri Lanka an Olympic medal,” she said.

Until recently, Piyumi’s dream seemed far out of reach. Her family struggled financially, food security seemed impossible, and the pandemic cast a shadow on any hope she had of competing in future Olympic games.

“[COVID-19] was a hindrance to my education,” Piyumi said. “My father lost his job and was in financial trouble.”

But when Piyumi joined Convoy of Hope’s Children’s Feeding program in Sri Lanka, her dream got a little bit closer to becoming a reality. Instead of worrying about what she will eat, Piyumi can now focus on succeeding as a student and an athlete.

“Convoy of Hope helped me during the difficult times,” she said.

Thank you for providing Piyumi the opportunity to pursue her dreams. Should she join the ranks of Sri Lankan Olympic medalists like Susanthika Jayasinghe and Duncan White, know that supporters like you made it all possible. Until then, her victory lies in the hope she receives from a stable source of nutritious meals — and that’s a real win.


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