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How School-Based Feeding Changed Nishan’s Story

Nepal Reported by Convoy of Hope

Nishan’s parents abandoned him when he was 5 years old. In the time that followed, his life was marked by constant struggle. Now, as a participant in Convoy of Hope’s Children’s Feeding program in Nepal, his life looks drastically different.

“Sometimes it feels like a dream when I share my story and how my life is so different now,” Nishan said.

When his parents left, Nishan felt the weight of loneliness and hopelessness in full force. An abusive landlord fed him in exchange for labor, but during that time, he had no real guardian or support system.

“It felt like there was no one in the world who cared,” Nishan said.

Malnutrition quickly set in and stunted Nishan’s growth. His options were limited and his time seemed short.

“If it had not been for the people who helped me find hope, I would already be dead,” he said.

Nishan was later adopted into a loving home and started attending school. But he and his classmates went to school hungry, weak, and unable to focus.

“We all struggled to pay attention and we would get tired really fast,” Nishan said. “It was hard to learn and we had no energy.”

Convoy of Hope implemented a school-based Children’s Feeding program in Nishan’s village, which remedied this issue and provided new opportunities. With regular access to nutritious food, Nishan and his classmates began to grow, retain knowledge, and see bright, hopeful futures ahead of them.

“It felt like all the labor and hard work was worth it and I felt so much joy,” Nishan said.

Thanks to your support, more than 465,000 children like Nishan have regular access to nutritious meals and a path to a better life.

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