Agriculture is complex. Variables like soil, climate, and pests are ever-changing and make yielding healthy crops difficult and inconsistent. Countries around the world rely on agriculture for their economy and individual livelihoods. In places like Nepal, around two-thirds of the population is engaged in agriculture — but not without struggle.
Nepal is vulnerable to floods, droughts, landslides, earthquakes, and pest outbreaks. These frequent natural disasters heighten food insecurity and increase food prices. The goal for Convoy of Hope’s Agriculture initiative is to provide resources and training that create generational change.
Convoy’s agriculture specialists teach production methods that encourage long-term, sustainable practices. With better agricultural practices comes increased food security and boosted local economies.
Raju is a man in Nepal whose livelihood depends on farming. In Nepal, farmers deal with common pests like bugs, beetles, and caterpillars. But something that might not come to mind for farmers in other parts of the world is the worst pest Raju has ever dealt with — a monkey.
“We have tried many things to get rid of the monkey, but haven’t had success,” Raju told Convoy of Hope. But he hasn’t given up, his personal drive encourages him. “Self-motivation makes me strong in every difficult situation.”
Raju also has hope for his future. “I’m so excited to start bee keeping,” he said. “I received training from the agriculture project … [and it] has provided us a platform.” Raju is one of nearly 1,500 individuals trained in agriculture in Nepal by Convoy of Hope.
“I wish this type of project was implemented in our village 10 years ago,” he said. “Because now, many youths have left the village. If I could write the next part of my story, I would choose that every youth returns to the village, which directly helps in the development of our village.”
Sustainable agriculture helps villages like Raju’s thrive. When farmers yield healthier crops in larger quantities, the local economy is boosted and families can more regularly feed their children — breaking the cycles of poverty and hopelessness.
To help Convoy train and equip more farmers like Raju and to help transform their communities, click here.