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Clarita Works on Ending the Cycle of Poverty

Philippines Reported by Convoy of Hope
Ending the Cycle of Poverty

Clarita and Convoy of Hope have the same goals for her community in the Philippines —  ending the cycle of poverty and encouraging sustainable growth.

Clarita grew up in a poor household, but was determined to make a different life for herself. She studied, worked hard, and became a nurse at the local school.

But her community still had needs, and her family’s income was never stable enough. So when she had the opportunity to join Convoy of Hope’s Women’s Empowerment program, she jumped at the chance. Five years later, she is running a successful store and teaching her 14-year-old daughter.

“My daughter is eager to study,” Clarita said proudly. “She is an honor student now. I can see that she will graduate, and she will also get a good job.”

Ending the Cycle of Poverty

Clarita is one of more than 6,500 women and girls Convoy of Hope empowers in the Philippines. When a woman is empowered — when she can earn an income, better care for her children, or believe in her intrinsic worth — it doesn’t only benefit her. Her entire community profits.

Clarita is also working to empower other women in her community with those in the program. Together, they pool money to support other women, which helps them attend Women’s Empowerment training.

“Because we have been helped, we should also help them. So they can experience what we have experienced from Convoy of Hope.”

Clarita is an amazing example of using empowerment to help end the cycles of poverty and hopelessness for others.


When women are empowered, it changes not only their lives, but generations after them. 🤝

Jessica and Mishka are evidence of that — these resilient Roma women have used their empowerment to help others in Slovakia break cycles of poverty that normally impact Roma women.
