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Robert Is Breaking the Cycle in Mathare Valley

Kenya Reported by Convoy of Hope

“Convoy of Hope has brought hope into my life.”

Robert lives in Mathare Valley, Kenya — a place where hope is difficult to find. Mathare is one of the most dangerous places in all of Kenya. Residents have little to no access to clean water, food, or medicine. Disease spreads rapidly. 

Robert’s parents own a liquor store, which doubles as their home. His parents fight often and are frequently drunk. 

“There was no peace at home for a long time,” Robert said. “It’s devastating and stressful.”

But Robert is breaking the cycle. His teachers call him the epitome of hope and resilience. Every day at school, Robert receives food from Convoy’s Children’s Feeding program. Additionally, Robert is mentored in Youth Programming, where he learns about leadership, trades, and how to give back in his community. 

Mathare — along with much of the continent of Africa — is experiencing the worst hunger crisis the world has seen in 50 years. But there is hope. In Robert’s story and in the stories of each child fed in Mathare through Convoy’s Children’s Feeding program, there is hope.

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When women are empowered, it changes not only their lives, but generations after them. 🤝

Jessica and Mishka are evidence of that — these resilient Roma women have used their empowerment to help others in Slovakia break cycles of poverty that normally impact Roma women.
