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Next-Level Generosity

Reported by Convoy of Hope

A quick glance at the research and you’ll find that Americans give about 2% of their disposable incomes to charity. Then there are John and Ann Dyess of Yellville, Arkansas. They are rewriting the norm. In a year of unknowns and uncertainties, the couple has more than doubled down.

“We refuse to hold back because of the unknown,” said Ann. “For us, we’re in our seventies now. It’s a lifestyle.”

They’ve bet their lives on the principle that extraordinary generosity — despite tough times — pays dividends.

John and Ann Dyess’ electronics business saw a 30% drop in 2020, yet their giving remained the same. “You can’t take it with you,” said John.

He learned of Convoy of Hope through news stories and friends, and believes in the organization’s mission and work — to bring hope to people who need it most. When business was dropping off, John was committed to giving at the same level.

“You think about it [the financial loss], sure, but it’s about keeping your commitment,” John said. “I thought, ‘What a neat organization to partner with.’”

Doctors Bob and Julie Becker also gave significantly despite the pandemic.

“My husband and I both had never been shut down in 30 years,” said Julie. She and her husband have both worked in dentistry for decades, and for the first time, had to hit pause last year. “My husband had just built a new office and was in the process of opening it, and we’ve just been so fortunate.”

The World Health Organization (WHO) flagged dentistry as a high-risk profession in the first few weeks of the pandemic. Analysts reported that the coronavirus made 2020 the most challenging year on record for dentistry. The challenges were not just patient care and overall health, but also financial hardships.

The Beckers agreed that, despite their own challenges, they could do something to help others. Even though patients coming in the door were fewer in number, the Beckers were committed to looking through the lens of abundance, rather than need.

Julie said she learned to appreciate the careful planning of Convoy of Hope. The “why” of the mission did not change during the pandemic, just the “how.”

“Convoy of Hope [always thinks through] how to get the most out of what they do. Even in 2020, they thought it through. I’m grateful to get to be a part.”

For more information about innovative giving to Convoy of Hope, click here.


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