Response Updates

Growing a New Income Source During COVID-19

Guatemala Reported by Convoy of Hope

“We were not well during the pandemic,” Carla said.

The economic impact of COVID-19 robbed Carla’s parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles of their jobs. All 11 people lived under the same roof, wondering how they would provide for themselves.

Convoy of Hope’s Agriculture program provided a solution. With education, supplies, and a replenished sense of hope, Carla and her family found a new way of life. Now, they have reliable access to nutritious food and an additional source of income to sustain them financially.

“We have learned so much. Thank you,” Carla said. “May God bless you and keep using you in a mighty way.”


🚨 #Tornado Update 🚨 Early this morning, severe weather through the Gulf Coast spun off tornadoes, causing damage in Slidell, #Louisiana. Convoy of Hope is in contact with partners on the ground and a load of essential supplies are en route to the affected area:…