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Cheerful With Chickens: Leana’s Story

Nicaragua Reported by Convoy of Hope

Leana is a chicken farmer in Nicaragua. She recently joined Convoy of Hope’s Agriculture program and her family started a new, hopeful journey. In many ways, the past year has been emotional for her. At the beginning of the year, the pandemic had already taken a toll on Leana and her community.

“I am a housewife. I cook, I wash, I do everything a housewife does,” she said. “My husband no longer had a job, and I was worried we were going to suffer and wonder where he was going to get food for our home.”

Leana had also accumulated a worrisome amount of debt. With no income, few options, and bills looming, Leana was concerned for her family’s well-being.

“One day, the pastor called me and said, ‘Sister Leana, some programs are coming for the church. Do you want to enter?’”

At first, she wasn’t sure what to expect. She began learning how to raise chickens, how to run a business, and how to pursue a future full of hope. Leana described the day that she received 50 chickens from Convoy of Hope and realized that she could start a new life and run a successful farm to support her family. She jumped for joy.

“I had many debts, and thanks to God, with raising chickens, I have paid those debts. [I feel] cheerful with all the love, with all the emotion that we have in this little job.”

A year filled with negative emotions — anxiety, despair, and heartache — gave way to a new chapter full of cheer, abundance, and hope.

“These trainings are essential for success in raising chickens,” Leana said. “We thank God and Convoy of Hope, who have helped us. We ask God to keep them and help them every day … may He bless them all.”

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