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Agricultural Research in Partnership With Convoy of Hope

Reported by Convoy of Hope

Convoy of Hope is partnering with Missouri State University (MSU) agriculture master’s student, Jordan Gott, to research best practices in growing crops common for the participants in Convoy’s Agriculture initiative.

Gott’s research centers around the timing of planting corn and lablab — a kind of bean native to Africa. Gott asks questions like, “Does planting them at the same time cause competition or do they help each other?” and “Is it better to plant them at the same time or weeks apart?” This information will help inform Convoy agronomists on the best way to train and educate farmers.

The research began in a greenhouse on the MSU campus, but is now being field tested in Tanzania. With the help of Convoy of Hope team members and the ECHO Global Seed Bank, Gott is growing and monitoring her crops in Arusha, Tanzania.

Gott had to consider some cultural and environmental differences when moving her research from Springfield, Missouri, to Tanzania. There are differences in soil types and irrigation practices. She also had to consider cultural practices, as farmers in Tanzania always plant their corn first.

While she is working to help farmers in Tanzania, Gott is also excited to learn from them.

“I’m excited to go to Tanzania — be in the culture, meet the people, and see how they do things,” Gott says. “I’m excited to keep on learning new stuff.”


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