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Joyful Giving

USA Reported by Convoy of Hope

Doug and Jayne are in their vegetable garden in Old Salem, a historic district in Winston-Salem, North Carolina.

“We have been blessed to have what we need,” Doug says. “Beyond that, we give what we can. Jayne and I view life as a calling, and giving is a big part of that calling. Giving is more than writing a check. It’s a relationship.”

“One reason we support Convoy of Hope,” Jayne says, “is that they are so effective in what they do, so clear on their mission, and effective in achieving it. It’s an easy organization to support.”

They first learned about Convoy of Hope while listening to an NPR report after an earthquake devastated Haiti in 2010. Convoy was one of the first responders thanks to a local warehouse already full of supplies.

Recently, Doug and Jayne visited Convoy’s World Distribution Center and spoke with team members about Convoy’s programs in the U.S. and around the world.

“We’re excited about the expanded vision for the Center for Agriculture & Food Security,” Doug says. “Convoy’s specialists can analyze many different environments for growing crops in countries Convoy serves in, and then can provide research and hands-on methods to help achieve better yields and feed more people.”

“We also learned about Convoy’s outreach in rural communities across the United States,” Jayne says. “Rural poverty is overwhelming.”

“We have been blessed in so many ways,” they insist, “that if we don’t share our blessings then they aren’t truly blessings.”

This article first appeared in the Winter 2022 edition of Hope Quarterly. 


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