Response Updates

Turkey & Greece Rocked by 6.6 Earthquake

Greece Reported by Convoy of Hope
Turkey & Greece hit with 6.6 earthquake

October 30, 2020 | 12:45 p.m.

On Friday, a 6.6 earthquake struck in the Aegean Sea between the Greek island of Samos and the Turkish coast. Eight people have reportedly died. Damage is still being assessed, and the death toll is expected to rise. The quake, felt as far away as Bulgaria and Macedonia, also triggered a mini-tsunami that has affected coastal areas. Residents of Izmir, Turkeyโ€™s third-largest city, are scrambling through the rubble of at least 20 collapsed buildings.

The quake itself occurred at 1:51 p.m. local time. Four minutes later โ€” at 6:55 a.m. Central time โ€” Disaster Services Director Ryan Grabill was just starting his day when the alert flashed on his phone. Within minutes, he set Convoy of Hope’s procedure for immediate onset disasters into motion. Like clockwork, leadership was notified so they could begin considering the appropriate response options.

Within hours of the quake, Convoy of Hope had reached out to local partners to assess the situation and determine needs. In situations like this, Convoy of Hope relies on the invitation and capacity of our local network of partners before we intervene. Our strategic reliance on partners ensures that we are getting help to the most vulnerable in a timely and effective way.

Convoy of Hope is standing with both the helpers and the hurting on your behalf. In times of great need, good people lean in and make themselves available to help. We thank you for being among those who care.


๐Ÿšจ California Fires Update ๐Ÿšจ Convoy of Hope is on the ground in Los Angeles responding to the catastrophic wildfires. Five fires have burned nearly 39,000 acres, including homes and businesses.

Convoy has already distributed over 100,000 pounds of relief supplies, serving moreโ€ฆ