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Simple Steps: Disaster Preparedness Can Save Lives

USA Reported by Convoy of Hope
Disaster Preparedness Can Save Lives

With tornadic activity ramping up across the midwest and the Atlantic hurricane season beginning in less than two weeks, Convoy of Hope is monitoring weather conditions and preparing for another active storm season. Convoy urges those who might find themselves in a storm’s path to remain diligent.

“Every household needs a plan that all family members know for every type of disaster,” said Ryan Grabill of Convoy of Hope’s Disaster Services team. “Don’t believe the mindset, ‘It won’t happen to us.’ If there is even a chance, prepare for it.”

Make a plan.

One of the most important things you can do before severe weather strikes is to think through a plan of action. Make sure your plan includes a way to access food, water, heat, light, and power. Keep in mind that stores and other resources may not be available for days or even weeks. Download Convoy’s Family Preparedness Guide here.

Know your location.

Be familiar with hazards and resources in your immediate location. Keep in mind what your local infrastructure is prepared for. Symptoms of severe weather may be predictable in some parts of the country, but in less prepared areas, it can bring daily activities to a screeching halt.

Know the dangers.

Each disaster brings a unique set of challenges and risks. Recent studies show that the majority of storm-related deaths are indirect. “Most of the deaths appear to be … associated with the aftermath of the storm, the recovery period, and long times without power,” said Ed Rappaport, Deputy Director of the National Hurricane Center.

Hurricane Laura caused severe damage to Louisiana’s electric grid, leaving many without power for weeks at a time. This proved to be Laura’s deadliest trait. Experts urge people in coastal areas to prepare for the storm and the effects that follow. Long periods without power may be unavoidable after a hurricane makes landfall.

Consider all angles.

A good plan should account for the fact that you might not be at home when extreme weather strikes. Consider steps to take in the event that you are at work, away from your family, or in your vehicle. You should also consider including neighbors and friends with accessibility needs or health concerns.

Planning ahead for inclement weather is vital for safety. With a bit of preparation, you can provide peace of mind and an extra measure of protection for yourself and your household.

Whatever the 2022 storm season brings, Convoy of Hope will be ready to bring hope in every storm.


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