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Venezuela Distribution Event Benefits Families in Need

Venezuela Reported by Convoy of Hope

Since 2018, Convoy of Hope has helped roughly 90,000 Venezuelans and distributed more than 3 million meals in communities throughout the country. Convoy is still distributing nutrition to vulnerable families through local churches.

Convoy recently held a grocery distribution event in the city of Barquisimeto. This event brought necessary and life-sustaining supplies to people living in Venezuela after years of economic hardship. This distribution came at just the right time, as gasoline shortages slow the supply chain and keep people from basic necessities.

“Most people feel hopeless and without an answer,” said Gary Heiney, a Convoy of Hope partner. “They believe the government has friends outside of Venezuela to keep them in power and [that] things will never change. They are learning how to survive.”

In addition to these major barriers, inflation rates, currency devaluation, and the effects of COVID-19 have taken a toll. More than 6 million Venezuelans have sought refuge outside the country. Those who have fled are forced to deal with the inability to find a job that pays well.

“Depending on who is in office in a certain state, that will determine if the people get help or not,” said Gary. “The local churches are the biggest help reaching their communities in need.”

A Story of Hope

Convoy of Hope, in partnership with the local church, met the needs of one individual named Mireya.

“For some time now, I have been praying to the Lord because I’ve not been able to work for three months,” said Mireya. “I went to the church where my sister once pastored, but she died four months ago. There was a pastor praying for me. About 15 minutes later, they called telling me I had been blessed with a bag of groceries from the Centro Cristiano Church.”

Mireya is just one of many people Convoy provided for during the recent distribution. And because of generous donors and partners, events like this will continue serving vulnerable communities around the world.

To support this type of continued work through Convoy’s Crisis Relief Fund, click here.


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